Tag Archives: contours

The Things We Draw

While paging through Charles Bargue’s Drawing course book, Scout’s eyes lit up as we came upon the print of the plaster cast torso. “It even has block-in lines!” she said enthusiastically, referring to the angled directional lines that would help her depict weight distribution of the figure’s muscles. We promptly bookmarked the page as the … Continue Reading ››

It’s Okay to Copy the Other Guy’s Drawing

From our earliest days in school we learned that copying other students' work could result in serious consequences, sometimes even a failing grade. But if you are a drawing artist, copying the other guy is a necessary virtue for improving your skills. Juliette Aristides, In her book Classical Drawing Atelier, writes about the value of … Continue Reading ››

SI Currents: Street Fair; Student Highlights; Girl On Fire

It's summer in Santa Cruz and drawing classes at the Scribbles Institute are heating up. Adult and youth students continue to make great strides in drawing from observation and imagination. The drawings of one adult student, in particular, blazed consistently. And to keep the heat on we're getting a booth in the Church Street Fair … Continue Reading ››