While paging through Charles Bargue’s Drawing course
book, Scout’s eyes lit up as we came upon the print of the plaster cast torso.
“It even has block-in lines!” she said enthusiastically, referring to the angled directional lines that would help her depict weight distribution of the figure’s muscles. We promptly bookmarked the page as the …
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The world can be a crazy place these days. Ignoring the disturbing news of cultural upheaval and catastrophic disasters can be difficult, to say the least. Times like these make me think back to when I was a kid, and how easy it was to escape the world’s problems by hiding out in my bedroom …
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My students often tell me their scariest challenges are drawing realistic human figures, faces, and hands. When I tell them drawing human beings can scare me too, they seem surprised. We all need to spend more time building our skills to overcome our fears.
Carrying a sketchbook can help you log practice time. Every sketch you …
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Lucy and her mom, Jamey, are students in our
Draw With Your Kids program. While vacationing, they sent us the above photo in an email last week.
"We miss you!!! I don't think we have been in town for a Thursday this whole summer! Lucy asked me to send you this photo of one …
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Whether sketching buildings or humans,
Drawing Lab students learn to attack their studies with the same key strategy: Find the basic structure of your subject before going to a finished drawing.
Drawing Lab student, Mike, sent us this sketch while vacationing in Edinburgh, Scotland. …
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Sometimes, after a hectic day, you look forward to going there just to hide out and sketch. Other times it is waiting for you, before the sun comes up—a cozy place to set a warm cup of coffee, open your favorite sketchbook, and draw to your heart's content. Having a table set aside in your …
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Drawing For Work, School, Enjoyment