Tag Archives: concept art

Inspiration, Flowers, & Youth Design Team

During our studio sessions, we learn to engage in the moment, to be enthralled with the process of drawing. Instead of always having high expectations for final artwork, we embrace the challenges and sweet little successes, even if those successes amount to just a few well-placed contour lines on a paper filled with frustrating attempts. … Continue Reading ››

High Schoolers Matthew & Daryna Draw Their Stories to Life

Japanese manga comics are a popular form of entertainment and creative expression. Two of our high school Drawing Lab students wish to take this form of artistic storytelling by the horns and draw their way to having an audience of loyal readers. Matthew Acuna and Daryna Reyna have spent the 2013 spring semester starting to … Continue Reading ››

SI Youth Sketchers Build Character

After spending time building observational drawing skills in previous sessions, everyone was up for a fun summer session of character design sketching. While working from their sketchbooks and online references, the SI studio crew went right to work--if one can call it work. Afterall, drawing characters from their imagination is what these kids love to … Continue Reading ››

SI Currents: Street Fair; Student Highlights; Girl On Fire

It's summer in Santa Cruz and drawing classes at the Scribbles Institute are heating up. Adult and youth students continue to make great strides in drawing from observation and imagination. The drawings of one adult student, in particular, blazed consistently. And to keep the heat on we're getting a booth in the Church Street Fair … Continue Reading ››