Tag Archives: observation

Drawing With the Right Crowd

Your parents probably told you to hang out with friends who will influence you in positive ways. It is important to find the right crowd for sharing new experiences together as well as helping you grow as an individual. This advice holds especially true when looking for people to learn how to draw with. [caption id="attachment_10575" align="aligncenter" … Continue Reading ››

The Magic of Realistic Form

Creating the illusion of three-dimensional form on a flat piece of paper is one of the biggest challenges in observational drawing. If only we could wave a sorcerer's wand to instantly make our drawings look three-dimensional. Like magicians, we would be able to create dramatically modeled shadows, realistic contours, and brilliant highlights without effort. But … Continue Reading ››

Inspiration, Flowers, & Youth Design Team

During our studio sessions, we learn to engage in the moment, to be enthralled with the process of drawing. Instead of always having high expectations for final artwork, we embrace the challenges and sweet little successes, even if those successes amount to just a few well-placed contour lines on a paper filled with frustrating attempts. … Continue Reading ››

Students Explore the Benefits of Sketchbooks

Drawing Lab students work in sketchbooks to augment studies we usually do on larger paper. Our Wednesday and Thursday evening crews enjoy learning quick gesture sketches as well as longer, detailed studies of objects around the studio. Shown in the above photos, Lenore happily busted out a fine Picassoesque gesture sketch of the rooster, while … Continue Reading ››