Mobile Drawing Coach

Take Your Drawing Coach With You!

Wherever you go, learn basic drawing skills and techniques. Connect with Rob Court through our Mobile Drawing Coach (MDC) program. Enjoy practicing in your sketchbook at home, or during your lunch break at work, or while traveling.

Do you have a specific problem to solve with a drawing you are working on? Your coach is always ready to help. Email, text messaging, and Zoom video chat sessions with Rob are available during COVID-19 restrictions.

Shown above are the coach’s comments during a MDC session with adult sketcher Gregorie from Switzerland. He was working in his sketchbook while solving problems with perspective and shading. Gregorie took Drawing Lab sessions at Rob’s studio during a vacation in Santa Cruz, and continued his connection with Rob after returning to Europe to practice in his sketchbook.

Customized Learning Path

If you are self-motivated, curious, and creative, then you are ready to be a part of our small but mighty MDC drawing community. Through one-on-one coaching sessions, Rob customizes a learning path that fits into your schedule, lets you work at your own pace, and choose specific subjects that interest you.

Drawing from a reference image by adult student Judy.

Whether you need a quick email critique of a concept sketch, or an in-depth Zoom video conversation about a challenging online drawing course you are doing, or simply feel frustrated with your artwork and wish to discuss a new direction to take, your personal coach is ready to help with your drawing projects.

Your MDC Goals & Work Flow

With MDC sessions you devote time to doing your drawing (whether it is your family pet or a coffee mug), receive comments from Rob on key aspects of your drawing, and confidently move forward to your next drawing. Your goals are to learn new skills and techniques, develop a steady creative flow, and to make your drawing practice a regular habit.

Click this box to see how your email/text session can flow with Rob:

How Your MDC Sessions Will Flow:
Your email and text message connection with Rob is important for getting your drawing flow started:

1. Choose a subject that looks enjoyable to draw. It can be a household object, favorite keepsake, or backyard scene. Or your subject can be a reference image from a book or the internet.

2. Take a photo of your subject, from the view point that you are drawing it. Adult student Myra selected a sunflower for her subject (shown above and below).

2. Make your drawing! This is a great opportunity to use our Block Sketch Draw method, overhand grip, and various techniques that Rob can teach you during your MDC sessions.

3. Take a picture of your drawing. Then email or text the picture of your subject along with your drawing to Rob.

4. As soon as possible (usually within 48 hours, sometimes the same day) you’ll get an email or text with annotated comments from Rob.

5. You can then make corrections, if needed, and send them back to Rob.

These steps will count as one MDC sessions with Rob. You will have email/text access to Rob throughout the steps. This process lets you spend focused time on your drawing, receive one-on-one feedback, and make adjustments if needed.

MDC Zoom Video Sessions Are Awesome!

During Covid shelter-in-place restrictions, we miss the hands-on learning experience of our Drawing Lab sessions at the Scribbles Institute. But MDC Zoom video chats are the next best thing to drawing in the studio together! You and Rob can converse about a drawing you are working on and even get real-time comments drawn by Rob while sharing the computer screen together.

View time-lapse video clips of Rob’s comments used during email/Zoom sessions here and here.

On-Location MDC Sketchbook Sessions, Too!

Depending on shelter-in-place restrictions in upcoming fall and winter months, hopefully MDC students will be able to do private sketchbook sessions with Rob at select Santa Cruz and Monterey locations. Then you will be able to combine email/text, Zoom chats with on-location sessions for a powerful hybrid learning experience.

The key to confident drawing is learning to sketch realistically and accurately from life. Rob is waiting to help you overcome the challenges of drawing things accurately, wherever and whatever you’re drawing.

Click this box to see different MDC levels:

MDC Details: Level Up & Learn

Level 1: Lines, Shapes, Measuring
Core skills for absolute beginners—even those who think they can’t draw. Connect with your coach, settle into your new drawing habit, and gain confidence as you learn basic observational drawing skills.

Explore! Start by learning about different drawing materials and ways to grip your pencil. Basic core lessons include working with lines, blocking in shapes, measuring proportions, and perceiving space. Work from basic sequential lessons designed to help you progress to the next skill level. For adults, 18 years and older.

Level 2: Form, Perspective, Values
Strengthen your basic drawing skills as we customize your learning path. Develop strategies that help you sketch accurately from life. Through regular practice, discover ways to apply Rob’s Block Sketch Draw method to work, school, and pure enjoyment.

Experiment! Improve your core observational drawing skills while working in your sketchbook. Introduction to basic principles of perspective and 3D form as you set up objects to draw from life. Experienced artists can also benefit from this level of sketching practice.

Level 3: Composition: Draw Like the Wind!
Expand your drawing skills to areas of interest such as urban and field sketching, illustration, design, and concept art. Learn to express yourself through the language of drawing.

Express! Continue your customized learning path as you apply your foundational skills and principles to your own creative projects. Work from prompts and challenges from your coach as you draw from observation or imagination. Get useful critiques from your coach. For adults, 18 years and older.

Mobile Drawing Coach Pricing Details

$395 gets you 4, 30-minute MDC sessions (1 MDC session can be a 30-minute Zoom chat, or an email/text exchange featuring Rob’s comments on your drawing, or a 30-minute on-location sketchbook session)
• Email/text contact with Rob (15-minute minimum charge for extensive, comment-related correspondence about your drawing)
• Community Drawing Board emails featuring student work and tips

You have a maximum of 2 months (8 weeks) to complete your sessions. Rob’s number of students is limited.

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Mobile Coach Student Gallery

Shown above is work by youth sketcher Kaitlyn from California, USA during mobile coaching session that focused on form and contour lines.

Check out the gallery of student sessions with the Mobile Drawing Coach.

Mobile Coach Student Gallery

Free, monthly eNewsletter with tips and resources from drawing coach, Rob Court:

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Drawing For Work, School, Enjoyment